Black Bearded Dragon Morph
Bearded Dragon Head Shaking
It's important to add accessories to your beardy's vivarium, such as rocks and branches to climb on. You can also help your beardy feel secure by making sure they have some good hiding areas. Bearded dragons need a vivarium that ranges from a hotter (38 to 42°C) bright end, to a cooler (22 to 26°C) shaded end. As well as this, you'll need to provide a 10 to 12 per cent fluorescent UV tube at the hot end, to stop your beardy from getting metabolic bone disease. It's also essential to keep humidity low - use a hygrometer to measure this at the cool end.

Yellow Mouth Bearded Dragon
A side note: What is your position on mealworms as a feeder for beardies? Either I missed it somehow, or you don’t seem to mention this option on either the good or the bad list. Thank you for any wisdom you can share with us regarding these details. Thank you! Its wonderful to find someone who loves their beardies and really understands them. Hector is shedding right now, and he ain’t happy, the spoiled brat!!
Bearded Dragon Weekly Care
Bearded dragons regularly shed their skin; ensure humidity of habitat is at appropriate level to allow proper shedding. To facilitate shedding, soak lizard in warm water in a large container that allows the bearded dragon to immerse their entire body while keeping their head out of water, or provide a shed box, a hide box with moist sphagnum moss. Be sure to replace the water in the soaking dish often to keep it clean and change the moss frequently to prevent mold from developing.

Pink Bearded Dragon
Bearded Dragon Tank Setting Up Bearded drakes require a dry, clean environment. Place the tank in an area that is cool and not too humid to keep your beardie happy. It is best to have a door in the room. It is best to not have a dehumidifier in the same room with your beardie. This can cause beardies to wake up.
Eastern Bearded Dragon Care Sheet
A male bearded dragon has two bulges on each side of its anus, while a female bearded dragon has a single bulge in the center. A small flashlight can help you see these bulges and help you identify a male or a female bearded dragon.
Black Bearded Dragon Morph

Bearded Dragon Broken Toe
In order to imitate the natural environment of a bearded dragon, heating pads should be used. This will maintain a comfortable temperature and allow your beardie not to feel cold. An automatic feeder can be a good option for large bearded and scaly dragons.
What Do Bearded Dragons Eat In The Desert
The Complete Guide for Bearded Drakes (Complete Pet Owner's Guide), provides step-by, detailed instructions on how to care for your bearded dragons. This definitive guide will make it easy for novice bearded-dragon owners to learn all they need in order to become experts in no time.