Bearded Dragon Weight Chart

Rare Bearded Dragon Colors

How Big Do Bearded Dragons Get Before you decide to bring a bearded dragon home, you should know how big they can grow. These reptiles can be very large or very small depending on their genetics. They should be kept in tanks that are 55 gallons or larger. A larger tank will have more hiding places and will be closer to their natural habitat. It's okay to start with a small tank, but once your beardie gets older, you should move it to a larger one.

Rare Bearded Dragon Colors

What Age Do Bearded Dragons Stop Growing

What do Bearded Dragons Eat? Vegetables are the mainstay diet for bearded dragons. Vegetables are an excellent source of essential nutrients and calcium. There are certain things that you should not give your beardie. Oxalates in spinach can cause calcium binding. Oranges, which are high in citric acid, can cause stomach upsets. Your beardie can also eat carrots, but you should be cautious with the carrot green tops. Zucchini is safe but not as nutritious as spinach.

Feeder Insect Nutrition Chart

There are few reptiles that may be able to compete for a spot in the hearts of reptile owners as well as this Dragon. The Leopard Gecko is also a great beginning reptile. Some lizards that are more of a challenge to handle include the Crested Gecko or Blue Tongued Skink. These animals are not quite as outgoing as a Bearded Dragon, but they do not require as much heat or lighting as the dragon.

Bearded Dragon Weight Chart
Feeder Insect Nutrition Chart
What Do Bearded Dragons Eat Fruit

What Do Bearded Dragons Eat Fruit

After the female lays the eggs, they should be removed from the nest box and put in an incubator that contains water and vermiculite soil replacer at 82℉-86℉ and they will hatch in 3-4 weeks.

What Type Of Bugs Do Bearded Dragons Eat

Reptiles Magazine is a magazine devoted to everything in the reptile world. You will get great information on how to set up a cool habitat, feeding information, breeding tactics and so much more. If you love reptiles then Reptiles Magazine is a fantastic resource that comes to your mailbox every month!

What Type Of Bugs Do Bearded Dragons Eat
Bearded Dragon Purple
Bearded Dragon Purple

Before you can bring home the bearded, dragon, you will need to create your habitat. You need to make sure the bearded can have heat, food, as well as ultraviolet light. It is important that equipment be inspected, especially the ultraviolet lamp and basking pad. It is important that the temperature remains constant throughout the day. However, it is equally important that humidity remains low.

Bearded Dragon Tongue Tip

The Complete Guide to Bearded Drakes (Complete Pet Owner’s Guide) gives step-by–step instructions on how to properly raise bearded drakes. There are many sidebars that can be helpful and the guide is full of beautiful full-colour pictures. This definitive guide will give novice bearded drake owners all the knowledge they need to become experts.

Bearded Dragon Tongue Tip