Bearded Dragon Xray

What Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms

A calcium deficiency, or an excess of phosphorus, in their diet, or lack of a UVB source, could lead to metabolic bone disease (also called nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism). An indication of this disease is your dragon is dragging its legs, tail, or body instead of standing up strongly.

Bearded Dragon Xray

What Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms

Do Bearded Dragons Eat Apples

“It could be. But you need to understand exaclty what is happening among these 3 possibilities:When shedding begins, sometimes the first visible sign is a whitening or greying of the outer skin, as it starts detaching from the body. Usually the dragon is lighter in color than it was previously.Another reason could be that the dragon is cold! and it turns greyish in an attempt to absorb more solar radiation. The dragon is darker in color than it was previously.And finally, your dragon might be turning slightly grey simply because he is getting old, although this change should not be as drastic as the other two.

Why Do Bearded Dragons Have Spikes

Beardies shed their skin in large pieces. There's no rule as to how often it happens, but younger dragons do shed more than older dragons. Shedding problems can usually be corrected by improving their environment, but always ask the advice of a specialist reptile vet if you have any problems.

Why Do Bearded Dragons Have Spikes
Bearded Dragons Food Chart

Bearded Dragons Food Chart

When cleaning their tank, you should fully remove and replace the substrate each week. Newspaper and paper towels are far easier to replace than sand. If there is old-food, feces, or spilled water on the substrate, spot clean this daily. When checking and cleaning out your dragon’s waste, you should look for any abnormalities. A Bearded Dragon’s normal feces should be brown and pelleted, and there should also be a semisolid urate as well.

Diy Reptile Enclosure Furniture

The market is already flooded with bearded dragons. By adopting, you discourage the breeding and sale of more unwanted dragons. Plus, you can often adopt a beardie for cheaper than you would buy one in the store. It’s a win-win!

Diy Reptile Enclosure Furniture
Bearded Dragon Care Temperature
Bearded Dragon Care Temperature

Bathing your dragon is not an absolute requirement, but soaking them in lukewarm water 2-3 times per week will help them defecate. When they shed, they do so in several pieces over a couple days. Frequency of shedding depends on diet and time of year.

Spots On Bearded Dragon Belly

All in all, Beardies are an easy-going reptile that eats an accessible diet. They do have heating and lighting requirements, but these are easily attainable with the correct setup

Spots On Bearded Dragon Belly